FREE LIVE WORKSHOP: Learn the Yoga Secrets My Clients Over 40 Use to Get Pregnant Naturally.

Hi There! I'm


I help Professional Women over 40 Get Pregnant and Have a Family Even If They've Had Failed IVF cycles, Miscarriage, or Been Told Their Eggs Are Too Old

Hi There! I'm


I help Professional Women Over 40 Get Pregnant and Have a Family Even If They've Had Failed IVF cycles, Miscarriage, or Been Told Their Eggs Are Too Old



Welcome To

Over the last 6 years I've been helping Professional Women Over 40 Get Pregnant and Have the Family of Their Dreams.

Sure, this About Page shares a little bit about me, but it's really about YOU.

It's about how you can leverage the knowledge and experience I've gained over the years to finally break through your challenges to becoming a mother and realizing the dream you've been praying for.



How It All Started.

For 5 years, I tried to get pregnant. I had followed all the advice of the western Fertility doctors. I also consulted with every fertility expert out there including coaches, acupuncturists, energy healers, shaman, reiki masters, nutritionists and more.

When nothing worked I turned to my Yoga practice and got pregnant naturally at age 45 and had my beautiful perfect baby girl Jaya at 46! After my fertility triumph, friends, family and students would send everyone they knew struggling with fertility to me.

When I realized how much passion I had for helping other women achieve the same amazing results that I had, I decided to create my business Sacred Fertility Yoga. I wanted to share my wisdom and help professional women over, 40 get pregnant naturally no matter how high the odds were stacked against them.



Facing Big Challenges.

As most women do, I faced some incredible challenges along the way. I tried everything to get pregnant. IUI, IVF and even donor egg treatments, but it wasn’t working for me, I still wasn’t getting pregnant.

I had several failed cycles and when I finally did get pregnant the first time, it ended in a miscarriage. I was exhausted and heart broken and I decided to take some time to heal myself.

Being a professional woman over 40, trying to run my own business, be present in my marriage, and live a full life was challenging enough, but then adding trying to have a baby into the mix and it was all too overwhelming.



Finding the Fertility Solution

What I discovered during this time of self-exploration is that there were certain techniques that I already knew from my own experience of practicing and studying Yoga for over 30 years, that the medical experts weren’t talking about.

Getting pregnant is more than just the scientific union of sperm and egg coming together. Sure it's important to have healthy eggs and sperm but there's so much more to getting pregnant than that.

In the system of Yoga the Self is seen as having many layers, and when we are trying to conceive it's critical to treat all of them. The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects must all be healed in order to create life.

And when I began to apply those principles in my own life, it was unbelievable but I witnessed a significant shift, and my fertility blossomed.

I felt my body, mind and spirit changing. I knew in my soul I was to become a mother. Shortly after I had my first natural pregnancy and delivered my beautiful perfect healthy baby girl at age 46.



Helping YOU Succeed.

By now you are probably asking yourself "what does this have to do with me? Will the same thing ever happen for me? I get it, I would to...

I consulted the best western doctors in the field. I read dozens of books on fertility, I studied with all of the best fertility Yoga teachers and spiritual guides, I worked with the most talented fertility healers and I went deep into meditation to find my own answers.

There is so much information out there on fertility and most of it is conflicting. It's extremely challenging trying to sort through all of the recommendations to find the ones that work best for you. So many women just give up.

I created a flexible plan based on modern science, the ancient wisdom of Yoga and most importantly my own fertility journey. I put in the hours of work and practice so you don't have to... and I because of my more than 30 years as a Yoga Therapist, I know how to tailor the recommendations specifically for you!



Your Time Is Now.

Today, I have the honor of working with an amazing community of teachers, healers and guides. Who are all there to support me on my life's journey.

And I want the same for you...

Imagine if you finally broke through...What if you were able to have the family of your dreams once and for all.

What would your life look like if you were to finally get pregnant, to feel your baby growing inside of you, to have an amazing birth experience, to bring a life into the world. To introduce your beautiful miracle baby to your friends and family.

To know the joy of being a mother and seeing your healthy happy child grow more perfect every day. Imagine how blissed out you would be feeling living your new life with your beautiful loving family.

The next step is up to you. Click the button below to get the process started.

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